How To: Practice Yoga And Lose Weight  

How To: Practice Yoga And Lose Weight  

Cover Photo By Kike Vega

Yoga is a phenomenal way to connect with your body in a unique way, and yes, it can help you lose weight. Yoga creates a strong mind-body connection that ultimately helps you become more aware of what you eat. One thing experts agree on is that yoga can be a great introduction to the fitness world. You will need appropriate equipment and activewear if you want to succeed so we recommend you find it on

Benefits of yoga for weight loss

They are both physiological and psychological. The practice of yoga moves the attention inward, while the practitioners view themselves with an attitude of compassion. The sense of physical, psychological, and emotional reality usually changes. It stops being influenced by external influences or modern culture, and more anchored in the internal value system.

The combined effects of self-acceptance, body awareness and inner reflection, which are natural side effects of regular yoga practice, can increase your ability to achieve and maintain your ideal weight. Yoga helps us to mentally slow down and increase sensitivity to internal signals such as hunger or cravings. It helps us learn how to distinguish them.

Combine Yoga with other activities


It is considered one of the healthiest sports that will help you reach an excellent fitness level. Yoga is great for stretching muscles and repairing body flexibility. Combining these two sports will give you a strong body and great fitness.


Boxing is a combination of cardio training with strength training. It is very intense and a little rough, but with the help of it you will quickly lose weight and strengthen your body. In order not to look too muscular, combine it with yoga workouts that will relax you and stretch your muscles.


Yoga and running are very useful as a combined sport. Properly performing yoga exercises enhances our running workouts, primarily by activating and stretching muscle groups that have been neglected. Running provides endurance and strength primarily to the feet, which is extremely useful for long-standing positions. Increasing our strength and willpower gives us greater freedom of movement and fuller enjoyment of our activities.

Yoga poses that are great for weight loss

Surya Namaskar

These twelve positions performed together are ideal for restoring the body to its natural balance, which also means losing weight. Twenty minutes of moderate to the fast rhythm of exercise each day is ideal. When they are combined with strength training for a minimum of 40 minutes, you will see the changes quite soon.


This pose is called the "queen of all positions" with numerous benefits to your body: it regulates the thyroid, prostate, and digestive organs, and it relieves menopause and andropause symptoms. Besides helping with weight loss, Sarvangasana relieves stress, depression, fatigue, and helps with insomnia. You should do this pose from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on how comfortable you feel.


This pose also helps with back pain, asthma, osteoporosis, and depression. If you practice it regularly, it will relieve menstrual pain, and stimulate the endocrine system. If you want to lose weight this pose will strengthen the muscles of the arms, buttocks, legs, abdomen, and spine, and it will tighten and rejuvenate the skin.


There is a saying that those who hold the position of Ustrasana every day will never eat more or less than they need. This pose also regulates the digestive system, stretches the muscles of the abdomen, chest, and neck, strengthens the muscles of the back, and relieves menstrual problems.

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