3 Easy Steps To Feel Confident Every Day

3 Easy Steps To Feel Confident Every Day

Cover By Autumn Goodman

Confidence is something that is important. It is a trait that all great leaders have - or at least, they can fake great confidence. It is, however, something that can be difficult to have, and when you are beleaguered with self-doubt, building up confidence can seem almost impossible. Don’t give up though - it is virtually always obtainable. To get to this point, you need to love who you are as a person, be comfortable with yourself and believe in what you can achieve. We do know that it is sometimes easier said than done, so here are a few tips to help you on your way.

Update Your Wardrobe

Clothes are usually the first thing that someone notices about us and can be a great indicator as to who we are as a person. Feeling good about how we look may seem superficial and vain, but it is an essential aspect of self-expression and learning to love ourselves.  If your current wardrobe feels drab and dull, the chances are it makes you feel the same way, and that is no good for your confidence levels. If something is too tight or uncomfortable, chuck it away. If, in the style of Marie Kondo, an item of clothing does not spark immediate joy when you pull it out of the wardrobe, get rid of it. Ignore clothing sizes, and dress for your body. Feeling good in your skin will almost definitely raise your confidence levels.

Adopt A Healthy Routine

When you feel good on the inside, you will look and feel great on the outside. If you are feeling sluggish and slow, that is how you will act and appear to other people. A great way to feel good in your own skin is by adopting healthy beauty and diet habits. Make sure you wash your face and moisturise regularly, brush your teeth, condition your hair - all of these little things will soon make a huge difference. Similarly, think about your diet. Sometimes, not being happy with our weight can affect our confidence, so by following a healthy eating plan, such as Noom, you can manage your weight and feel great. There is plenty of information online to support your questions about what is Noom.

Vow to Learn Something New Every Day

Learning is an incredibly empowering activity, which can be done so easily every single day. You can do it by yourself, by reading or even watching a fascinating documentary on Netflix, or you could take some classes, which have the bonus of improving your social skills and potentially widen your friendship group. Learning something new every day enables you to better your knowledge, and that feeling is so powerful and will help grow your confidence levels. Keeping your brain challenged and active every day will also help.

Above all, adopt the ‘fake it until you make it’ mantra. Even if you don’t feel confident, hold your head up high and pretend you are. No one will ever know, and eventually, you’ll feel that way all of the time!


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