6 Ways Technology Can Improve Your Health

6 Ways Technology Can Improve Your Health

Cover Photo by FitNishMedia from Pixabay

Technology is forever getting a bad rep when it comes to your health. It gets blamed for psychological issues such as distraction, narcissism, the expectation of instant gratification, anxiety, and depression. It gets blamed for everything that comes with lack of sleep, for making us lazy as we can do so many things without even having to get out of bed, and it even gets blamed for causing vision problems, hearing loss, and neck strain. However, when you look at the other side of the argument, there are many different ways technology has and is improving our health and our quality of life. 

Improved Surgeries

Thanks to technology, surgeries are far more accurate, and more operations can be performed. From VR technology for heart surgery to robotic surgery, technology has meant that people can benefit from shorter hospital stays, less blood loss, fewer complications, smaller incisions with minimal scarring, and a faster recovery time. 

Increased Awareness

The information available at the click of a button raised awareness of the importance of health and well-being in general. With technology, you can find out how many calories are in just about anything, how much fat, how much sugar, and how much you should be having for your age, height, and weight in regard to what you want to achieve. Technology has also raised awareness of lesser-known diseases or even the really well-known ones but gives people a platform so that they continue to remind people to check themselves and be aware of certain things. 

Increased accessibility

There is now an app or device for everything from tracking your food to steps to ergonomic accessories, which can help you to improve your posture. It means that anyone anywhere can find out the information they want to. If someone is shy or struggles with anxiety and doesn't want to go to a gym to seek advice, they can get everything they need thanks to technology. 

Developments in pain management

Virtual technology can be used by people suffering from chronic pain as it can distract them from pain signals. 

Increased motivation

Living a healthy lifestyle requires you to stay motivated, and this can be one of the most difficult things to do. However, this is where technology comes in as it can help you to connect with other people who are going through the same thing or to those who have achieved what you are hoping to. If your dream is to run a marathon, but you're not sure where to start, by looking online, you'll easily find someone who had no running experience at all and went on to run a marathon successfully. The internet is full of wonderful people and wonderful people who will inspire and motivate your healthy lifestyle.

Increased preventative healthcare

So many medical conditions can now be detected and predicted in advance thanks to data and technology. Data can show medical professionals significant trends and can identify whether a person is at a higher risk of disease. Once they have this information, doctors can prescribe the necessary steps to prevent the illness from advancing. 

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