Taking The Steps: Starting A Mindful Business

Taking The Steps: Starting A Mindful Business

Cover Photo By Pixabay

Finding a passion in life and turning it into a career is the goal for many. If you've been looking to further your career but have struggled to align your passion with a livelihood, starting a business is one of those methods everybody has to consider. In the world of yoga, there are so many different offshoots. If you are interested in mindfulness and a holistic approach to helping people, a yoga business can be one aspect. But you can also branch out into other components to help individuals who are struggling to have some sort of meaning to life. What does it take to start a truly mindful business?

Never Underestimate the Business Side of Things

This is quite possibly where many people fall down. They follow their passion so much that they can't make a viable living from it. It is vital when you start any business involved in holistic practices, whether it is mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or pilates, that you have the business side nailed down. You have to remember that you are in a world where it is so easy to be sued for something. This is why you need to have public liability insurance, but also make sure that if you are practicing something that is physical in nature, that you are covered for every eventuality. Yoga practitioners can find themselves on the receiving end of an injury lawyer and we've got to be very cognizant of this. You may have a passion for something, but make sure the practicalities are also nailed down.

Focus on Your Personal Message

It is so important to focus on why you want to teach these practices. Your personal journey is the most authentic part of starting any business. It should form the foundation of your message. While you may want to focus on promoting yourself in the right way, when you are starting the business of spirituality, authenticity is the biggest selling factor. And it is so important for people to resonate with what you do, you shouldn't overthink your message. It should be part of who you are. If you are not connecting with the right people, you've got to find this and distill it down to its bare essentials. The message is so important, but if you do not believe in the message yourself because you think that you need to cater to a wide variety of people, you are going in the wrong direction. 

Finding the Right Format

From workshops to retreats, it is crucial for you to decide on the format early on in the process. When you start to define your vision and narrow it down, this will give you a more crystal clear approach to building a business. It is vital to stand out but you need to find the right format that is comfortable. For those who are teaching meditation or mindfulness, a retreat is a perfect approach because it takes individuals away from the stressful world that we live in. But at the same time, if you decide to go down this avenue, you need to remember that a retreat requires a lot of dedication, as well as money. In which case, you need to market yourself to the people that can afford this.

Learn to Market Yourself

You have to understand the importance of marketing. When you align your business vision with the format, but also make sure that you are covered in the practical aspects, you now need to find the appropriate people that you can work with. Marketing yourself is not easy, but there are a wide variety of resources. You may want to start small and go down the local route. But you may also want to take inspiration from individuals who are teaching yoga and meditation exclusively online. These days, communication is not a barrier, you can beam yourself to thousands of people using Instagram or YouTube. But you have to remember so many other mindfulness or yoga practitioners will be thinking the same thing. Learning to market yourself is about understanding how everybody else does it, but figuring out your niche. What can you offer individuals that nobody else can? This is the key to marketing yourself effectively. The vision has to be streamlined to such an extent that the marketing should be effortless.

Starting any form of spiritual business is a fantastic way to move onto the next step, but it's about understanding where your passions and your practicalities converge. It's important to bring your message to people, but at the same time, you need to earn a living as well.


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