A Full Moon Rises On The Evening Of Saturday, February 8.

A Full Moon Rises On The Evening Of Saturday, February 8.

Cover Photo By Alexis Antonio

By Benjamin Brown

In your birth chart, the Moon shows how your mind works. In the philosophies of ancient India, the mind has many components. The Moon is the manas, where all our emotions come from. Like the Moon, our emotional states have an erratic and mutable character. One day we may be overjoyed, the next day down in the dumps - and all these transitions can occur at a radical speed. This is just like the Moon, who wheels through the sky at high speed - our emotions are visible most in the night, in the darkness of our own interior, but also in the daytime, to everyone around us. 

The Moon also follows predictable cycles. We know with certainty that the Moon will grow to fullness every 30 days. When we look at the state of the Moon in current transits, we’re seeing the inner workings of the universal mind. These are emotional states that are not bound to a certain person, or to certain circumstances, but affect everyone on the planet simultaneously. 

In India, the Full Moon is considered an auspicious time. It represents the full fruition of our desires, and a fullness of life-force. The Moon has an intimate relationship with the plant world, whose life cycles are guided by the cycles of the Moon. The Moon is often referred to as Soma - a sort of juice of life is infused into plants by the Moon, that sustains us in turn. 

On February 8, the Moon is in Cancer. This is the “home” of the Moon, where she is at ease. As she peers out her window, here’s what she sees:

Jupiter, Mars, and Ketu (the eclipse point of the Moon) are all together in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of the battlefield - Mars is a military leader, Ketu shows his warriors, and Jupiter is his advisor. On a world-scale, this conjunction is an indication that the forces of justice are mounting. But, the Moon is inherently disposed toward peace. This is a phenomenon that is playing within all of us. Our inner fire is compelling us to take action for our ideals, while the mind would like us to stay at ease. 

Adding to our unrest is the presence of Rahu in Gemini, the next sign over from Cancer. Rahu has a special aspect on the Moon at the moment, like he is eying her. Rahu makes us feel emotionally threatened, like we are surrounded by corrupt and ill-meaning company. Remember that this is an emotional state that will pass soon, and may not reflect any true reality. 

Mercury is in the 8th house from the Moon, a place of hidden things. This is a perfect time to speak freely of all that we normally hide from our friends - even things that speak to our “dark side.” All of this must be brought into the light for it to transform or wither away. 

All of us in the San Francisco Bay Area can peer over the western horizon after dark to see the glowing visage of Venus. Her brilliant light is unmistakable, giving her the name Shukra - “The Resplendent One”. Venus is in the sign of Pisces, where she is exalted. In the West, we are familiar with the more mundane associations of Venus - as the giver of desire, sensuality, and sexuality. We may not recognize that the qualities of Venus, when refined, become a force of intense, loving devotion. This is the character that Venus assumes when in the sign of Pisces. 

While this Full Moon may cause some sense of emotional disturbance, we will also feel the powerful love of Venus, who is “trine” to the Moon. Instead of compelling us toward wild abandon, this Venus asks us to purify our intentions so that we may love better. 

This is a time, if ever, to call upon the Divine Femine, in whatever form She appears to us. 

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