Active Recovery When You've Been Ill

Active Recovery When You've Been Ill

Cover Photo By Victor Freitas

Illness and injury can stop your fitness journey in its tracks. While we all know what to do when we’ve pulled a muscle, many of us aren’t really sure what we should be doing when we’re sick. 

If you’ve been feeling under the weather recently and can’t exercise, here are some ideas for active recovery that can help you feel better and get back into the swing of things. 

Nourish Your Body

When we’re ill, we tend to do one of two things.  Stop eating, or head for the unhealthy comfort food. While that might be OK for a few days, your body needs proper nutrition to help you recover quickly. 

Hydration is vital too. If you’ve had any type of stomach bug then you’re probably dehydrated. Try a mobile IV therapy service to perk you up quickly, or try rehydration sachets which are available from most pharmacies. 

Stretch Out Your Body

While you might be itching to jump back into your training program, doing too much too soon is a sure way to injure yourself. Take a few days to do some deep stretching such as yoga.  It will loosen up your aching muscles and get the blood flowing around your body. 

Remember The ‘Below The Neck Rule’

If you’ve been suffering from a cold, you might be wondering if it’s OK to exercise again.  After all, exercise produces feel-good chemicals that help us feel better. But when are you too sick to exercise. As a general rule, if the symptoms are above your necks, such as a blocked nose or sore head, then it is usually OK to do some light exercise. If your symptoms are below the neck, such as a sore throat, aching muscles, or a chesty cough, then you need to rest and shouldn’t exercise. 

Ease Back Into Your Exercise Routine

Don’t expect to be back at full capacity immediately. Being ill takes a lot out of your body and you could be seeing the effects in your performance for weeks. Slowly ease back into exercise. Do as much as you feel comfortable with. The amount of exercise will differ massively depending on how to fit you were before and how ill you have been. 

If at any point you are feeling too tired, or unwell, stop exercising immediately. Going at it too hard could set you back even further and put you at risk of injury. 

Final Thoughts

Being ill isn’t fun for anyone.  It can be quite disheartening to have to stop exercising when it is a big part of our lives. Trying to maintain our health through good nutrition, hydration, and realistic activity is the best the we can do when ill and convalescing. 

It’s important to listen to what your body is telling you. Some rest and relaxation now can ensure that you come back fitter and stronger than ever. 

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