How To Kick Start 2021 By Breaking Bad Habits

How To Kick Start 2021 By Breaking Bad Habits

Anyone can pick up a bad habit, from cracking your knuckles, biting your lips, and swearing, all the way to smoking cigarettes. The truth is, nobody intends to pick up bad habits and sometimes, they can appear out of nowhere. Habits are often formed when something stressful is happening in someone’s life, and can completely take over in an instant. While some habits are more annoying than harmful, there are many habits that can be extremely harmful to your health and can have long lasting effects. If you’re looking for ways to break your bad habits and cold turkey hasn’t worked, take a look at how you can kick start 2021 by breaking your bad habits.

Know your triggers

You may not realise it, but bad habits are developed as a response to something that's happening - a coping technique, one might say. Study yourself more intensively and discover what causes your bad habit. You can work on ways of dealing with the trigger, rather than the habit itself, once you have figured this out. For instance, if you bite your lips and you've worked out that it's usually just before something stressful is about to happen, take measures such as meditation to reduce your stress levels.

Understand when you need professional help

Some habits are much harder to break than others, and while it’s totally possible to do it by yourself, you might feel like you need some extra help - and that’s completely fine too! Your doctor will be able to help you with harmful habits such as alcohol and drug abuse by recommending treatment such as therapy or going for a detox. You might be wondering: how does detox work? Follow the link to find out more about what to expect from a detox centre.

Change your routine

Sometimes your routine can play a massive role in your bad habit. For example, if you head for a cigarette on your break at work, try something different like eating at your desk, picking up the phone to talk to someone, or working through to avoid lighting a cigarette. If you feel your routine plays a role in this, try changing it up so you’re not thinking about the very thing you’re trying to quit.

Try hypnosis

Hypnosis is a tried and tested method for solving many ailments around the world. Those with anxiety, for example, often use hypnosis tapes to help rewire their brain to resolve their anxieties. And, you don’t have to visit a psychiatrist for this either, as there are many free or very cheap apps that you can download to your phone or tablet to combat many bad habits.

Seek help from those around you 

Finally, having the support of your friends and family will make the world of difference on your journey, even if it’s something as simple as biting your nails. Seek comfort that the people around you want to help, and use it if you need to. Habits can be difficult to break, and your results won’t be instantaneous. However, with determination, you can kick your bad habit for good!

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