Just Ask Jeni - Ji: Should I Take Another Contract Job This Year?

Just Ask Jeni - Ji: Should I Take Another Contract Job This Year?

I have just been offered another new contract job, and I am not sure if I should take it as it is not totally aligned with my own business. I am not sure if I should take this job, even though the money would be amazing.

Hi Carol,

As soon as I heard “new contract,” I heard a HUGE YES. Go for it. You will balance everything with your personal projects which are going great. Take the pause to embrace this opportunity. You will thank yourself for doing the extra work. You are getting offered this from spirit as a gift and a thank you for the hard work you have been doing and will continue to do. You are definitely on a roll with FLOW. You have been asking for extra money and here is your opportunity. You attracted this and it is all good, so no worries.

We at times have to pause our personal projects to bring in the new because soul tests us to see what we truly want in all modalities. I keep hearing Bali come through as well. Possibility a retreat? YES! If anything I see you doing more retreats. The doors are opening for you and more travels are in your future. So in the mean time your writing is and will come through because that is part of who you are… What you've been working on with these other contracts will help you enormously with what is coming up for you. You will find that words and actions are blending together as one collective creative vibe.

Don’t allow others to distract you, listen to your soul. Where you are headed to, others will follow. They are not sure how you do it. They may think it is because you have connections. By the way, some are jealous of you. Crazy right ? But true. Others are like: How does she attract opportunities? Why do things open for Deidre when they don't open for me. So yes others are jealous of you. Listen for any controlling, manipulating energy and remember that is their journey of the ego and not yours. Follow your soul, as that always leads the way. Follow your heart!

Your creative side is and has been chatting to you for a while now. Soul is pleased with your progress and will be pushing you towards your destiny. I also see where you will have an opportunity to leave the country for a while. You may be offered a position by someone or maybe two people who are connected with each other. They like your energy and your work and they will say: “Come stay here with us and do your teachings. We would love to have you.” It could be Bali, Costa Rica, somewhere more tropical for sure. That's really strong. I love it. When you are away, take photos!!

Your teachings are amazing I hear from spirit! And you have learned so much with all the hard research and studies you've been doing. It’s all a part of your soul journey. You are coming forth hugely in this lifetime. You will travel to places that you did not think you would travel to and connect with your soul tribes all over. You will know it when you meet them and I also see EYE contact and huge chemistry with someone. Oh My!!! Past life vibes coming through, which will definitely test you. This man’s ego will completely turn you off. You won’t be interested but he is watching you. If anything I can see you having a chat with him on his arrogance. lol. ha ha ha ha ha ... I would love to be a fly on the wall for that. You will put him in his place. He will be someone who thinks he knows it all and will push you way out of your comfort zone.

I see a huge colorful chakra wall hanging. Pay attention to a shiny object you find, that's from spirit. It’s small enough to pick up. Keep it, there is a sacred message in it for you.

Your psychic abilities are getting stronger and will continue to get even stronger. You will be very busy and wonder how you will balance everything. You have so much to offer the world and you are truly gifted. You will start to hear that more from others. If anything, I see you more focused on your work then any personal relationships.

There is someone coming who is the right fit for you but honestly not for a while, because work will be your main focus. You will meet and have met many along your journey. If anything self love and self worth have been playing on your mind even more.

You will also see how much you have evolved & see where others are stuck within ego. I see tears in your eyes of gratitude looking upon where you going and reflecting back to where you were. You will feel very alone at times but yet you are surrounded by many.


Your soul tribe will always support you in a much needed positive vibe.

Watch when you are climbing hills or hiking. I see a twisted ankle. This will be Spirit saying: “Hey girl, slow down. You’re on the right path and walking in alignment with soul.”

These extra contracts are a gift for you to get ahead as you've been manifesting extra cash for your travels.

Cover Image By Unsplash

To have your question answered by Jeni Ji for her column ‘Just Ask Jeni Ji,’ send us an email: deidre@sfyogamag.com.

To learn more about Jeni Cousins visit soulworkwithjeni.com.

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