The 3 Things We All Get Wrong About Exercise At The Outset

The 3 Things We All Get Wrong About Exercise At The Outset

Starting any new workout regimen is one of the toughest things to do. We see the positive impacts of being fit and healthy everywhere, but if it was that simple just to pick up some weights or start a yoga class, everyone would do it. So, if you're thinking about taking up exercise on a more regular basis, you need to set yourself up for success. What are the things we're all getting wrong when it comes to exercising, especially at the outset?

Going Too Hard, Too Soon

One of the most common mistakes is that we dive right in. It's a very common mistake and can cause injury through poor form, but it can also make you burn out pretty quickly. The best thing that we all should do is to build up gradually, and this is true for any type of exercise, regardless of the thing you want to do. Medical professionals like Dr Zachary Solomon MD talk about the importance of cardiovascular health, but in terms of the bigger picture especially when it comes to building up, you shouldn't go all out all the time. 

Take it easy and commit yourself to gradual progress. The goal, in terms of strength training, is about increasing the load, whether that's the speed of the exercise, the intensity, or reducing the rest periods by only 5%! Stick to this really low number, and you will see progress.

Eating the Wrong Things

Are you someone who finds yourself pretty burnt out after any form of exercise? We have to remember that exercise puts stress upon our bodies. Therefore, we have to ensure that we nourish ourselves. We're all different, and some people find themselves incredibly famished after any form of workouts, and it's important to ensure that you have the right dosage of calories, but they predominantly need to come from good things. This also means educating yourself a little bit better about certain health choices. 

For example, fats are not terrible for you. Fats were demonized because they seemingly caused weight gain, but saturated fats are present in natural foods like coconut oil, and olive oil is full of healthy fats. You have to remember that fat is your body’s preferred energy source, but also recognize that actually, something like carbs will make you feel better. So don't feel that you need to subscribe to the latest fasting fad or ketogenic or vegan; instead, look at what makes you feel good before, during, and after your exercises!

Not Resting Properly

We all are guilty of going a mile a minute, and while exercise in any form can help you sleep better, it is essential to prioritize rest and recuperation. This goes back to the idea that you need to build yourself back up after you've done any form of exercise. 

We should be seeing improvements in our physical strength and our general wellness, and the key to this is about rest, not just sleeping, but about your overall rest and abilities to deal with stress. 

There are many things we're getting wrong about exercise, and these are just a few. But needless to say, when it comes to any new exercise regime, focus on these three components and you are going to see results that set you up for the long term.

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