New Moon Aries

New Moon Aries

Cover photo by @gzanato

By Dana Damara

The New Moon in Aries, conjunct Uranus and Mercury stationing direct is the climax of this week’s celestial orchestra.  The New Moon happening on April 15th, 2018, 6:57pm PST, at 28 degrees Aries is pretty epic. 

It’s a time for BIG, BOLD, new beginnings. And I mean … BIG and BOLD.

My invitation for this week:  practice, watch the sunset/sunrise, conserve your energy, observe relationships and just generally, be still when you can. Rest… because this New Moon on Sunday is going to be a doozy.  It’s going to catapult us into the next level of our being.  It’s conjunct Uranus, which brings about swift change and breakthroughs.  

There’s going to be a lot of swirling until then. Venus is making her rounds this week, which laces everything in love and beauty. But there’s still uncertainty underneath it all so, best to watch for a bit before making any decisions. The Sun squares Pluto, which pushes you into assertiveness in achieving your goals. Just make sure they are YOUR goals eh? 

Venus trines Mars which leaves you with a palpable yearning for intimacy and strong desire to create something!! Anything!! Venus sextile Neptune, which can elevate things to a higher level of understanding if you can pause for a moment and access those dimensions.  And then, the most powerful transit of the year, the second of three meetings, Jupiter sextile Pluto.  This is all about INNER transformation.  Asking the powerful questions that actually mean something.  

· What influence am I having? 

· How am I using my energy?  

· What does joy look like?  

· What about success? 

The New Moon is a time when the Moon and the Sun are conjunct each other. That means we can’t see the Moon however, Her energy is super powerful.  It’s always a time for new beginnings, new projects, new ideas and intention setting for the upcoming Lunar Cycle. When we pause at the New Moon, it’s like hitting the restart button to our lives. We get to refine our goals, wishes, plans and intentions so we can be sure we are on the trajectory most in alignment with our soul and heart’s desire. 

Because this New Moon falls in Aries, the first sign in zodiac, it is particularly potent.  Now add in the fact that Mercury stations direct on the same day, and that Uranus sits with the New Moon, you have a powerful recipe for BIG, BOLD, transformation.  CAUTION:Be open to surprises because honestly, Uranus likes surprises.  And this New Moon is going to remind you that you definitely do not know it all. 

The breakdown … 

Mercury stations direct with the New Moon.  When a planet stations direct it means that it’s essence is now in full force.  It’s coming out of “retrograde”, which is where it seemingly slows down or even moves backwards.  Mercury is the planet of communication.  Therefore, communication that has been elusive for you will now drip from your lips.  Conversations will hold substance and meaning – thank Goddess! You will know exactly what to say and when to say it. You will hear clear, concise answers to once illusive questions.  In fact, it will be laughable that you even wondered why in the first place. (PS - you needed that time to percolate so do not come down on yourself.)

Sun/Mon conjunct Uranus. When a planet conjuncts another planet they are seemingly sitting in the sky, on top of each other! Which means they are together to enhance the energy of the other one.  This particular conjunction means, it is time to take the reigns of your life and jump in!! This could be causing excitement for you but also, maybe a little fear?  That alwayshappens when something EPIC is around the corner!! If you are feeling an itch to break from your routine, now is the time! This is the last New Moon for like 80 years that will conjunct Uranus so maybe you could consider a risk? At the very least, be open to something radically new and different.  

The New Moon is forming a square to Pluto…drum roll please.  A square? What’s a square?  Well, it’s when planets are about 90 degreed away from each other and this aspect creates tension.  Most often it’s much needed tension so things can loosen up and release any stagnation that’s sitting there.  I look at it this way, if there was never any tension in our lives, we wouldn’t ever make a change right?  How would we grow?  We wouldn’t … so we need tension!  This aspect is all about inner transformation.  Anything you have been working on or working with is now coming to light and resolution.  Yup, that is right!! Which lessons are you done replaying over and over again? Which relationships keep showing up that are not working?  Now is the time to really release them… once and for all.  

The Karmic Loop is complete.

And then there was Venus … lovely Venus.  All about love, beauty, abundance and financial prosperity.  

Venus opposes Jupiter. Opposing planets tend to expose each other so this will bring heaps of pleasure to your awareness and can expand you into love; unconditional love, sensual love … love, love, love. This is a call to love. 

Venus trine Mars.When two planets trine each other they are 120 degrees apart from each other on the astrological chart and this transit creates harmony and stimulates the other for success and recognition!  This transit has the potential to ignite romance, passion and that balance between the inner masculine and feminine. 

Venus trine Plutoactivates financial abundance and shines a light on how you flow in this life. What relationships bring you joy? (Remember, relationships are internal AND external…hint, hint) 

Venus sextile Neptune. A sextile between two planets means that the planets are 60 degrees apart and this aspect creates harmony that can open up new pathways for growth and possibility.  Venus and Neptune illuminates the beauty and joy found in spirituality and the realms of mystical connection.  Tap into the things you cannot really put your finger on but feel connected to.

Last but not least … Jupiter sextile Pluto! This is the transit of the year and reminds you that you are in the driver seat of your life.  My question for you is, are you ready to take the wheel?  Now is the time to follow the path of abundance and love. Leave lack and limit, fear and doubt in the dust – trust me.

During this Aries New Moon focus on

·     New projects, relationships or ideas 

·     Creating a new way of doing things with regard to your career 

·     MOVE … YOUR … BODY 

·     Your internal compass … get off social media! 

·     The synchronicities that offer a tug at your heart and a RISK! I LOVE this kind of energy! Thrive in it actually! 

If you want more information and really want to dive into this energy ... I invite you to join me at  I articulate on the location of the New Moon, the transits and the powerful energy swirling around.   The program suggests simple intention setting guidelines for those of you who like a list.  And I offer up yoga asana, meditation, mantra, and essential oils to enhance your connection to the Moon. 

Because you read this here, you have a special discount code … it’ssfyogamag.  Use it and you’ll get all that PLUS, a FULL MOON recording! 

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