February’s Full Moon In Virgo: Working With Your Wounded Warrior

February’s Full Moon In Virgo: Working With Your Wounded Warrior

By Dana Damara

So far this year we have been blessed with a ton of auspicious, game-changing astrology. I’ve noticed a shift in perspective, a discomfort with old patterns being reflected in my face, and an overall peaceful shift. I notice it most in my parenting and in the way I am running my life.

This Full Moon in Virgo coming up on February 19, 2019 is another testimony to our upgrades, up-levels, re-alignments and revisions that we are making on the most subtle bits of our lives. But first, a bit about what else is going on with the planets this week:

Mars conjunct Uranus this week, which ignites that yearning for independence. You may be able to make quick decisions if you are tapped in, but not if you are distracted. Pay attention to what’s REAL … let go of old illusions. You will be seeing things with a much thinner veil so decipher what is old, not yours and or just passing through you.

Venus sextile Neptune, which governs your dreams and unconscious thoughts. Do your very best to stay awake in your dream state. Meaning feed your heart, your mind, watch for signs, listen to your intuition, write down your dreams and take care of the soul you can’t see but that is guiding you. But Neptune is also just about conjunct Mercury so pay attention to the way things are communicated to you and from you.

Pluto, Venus and Saturn are all in Capricorn, which will keep you honest, disciplined and focused on your career, your job, or your soul’s Divine Mission, and help you to distinguish between what is yours and what is not. Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius asking you to remember to live abundantly and to stay in the light.

This all leads up to the fourth of five FULL MOONS at 0 degrees. The Full Moon sits in between Leo and Virgo, and is strong as all get out. Why? Because on the eve of the Full Moon, Chiron also sits on a 0 degree, just about to enter Aries where it will stay until 2027.

Why is that important? Because Chiron is your Wounded Warrior. The one that stands guard of your deepest wounds and can, when called upon, help you to heal. What we usually do is notice the synchronicities, then shy away from (or ignore altogether) the painful messages or challenges that seem like “too much work.”  That work is important because it’s your soul trying to lead you in the direction of who you are. It’s trying to show you how to come “home.” Chiron is your identity and this Full Moon is going to serve up an epic illumination for all to see.  

This is a big transit into your identity. Did I mention it lasts until 2027? Get on your own path. Liberate your own Self.

Aum Shreem Som Somaya Namaha!

May the light and essence of the moon always bring healing and illumination into your being.

If you want to hear the full New Moon report, subscribe to Dana Damara’s 13 Moon Mystic program where every month, you will get the following delivered to your inbox:  

·      New Moon Forecast 

·      Full Moon Ritual and Readings 

Dana goes over everything from the aspects to the transits, and supports you in staying on your path of evolution.  

If you’d like a reading from Dana Damara, just mention you read this in SFYOGAMAG and you will receive $20 off your first reading. 

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